Thursday, March 29, 2007

J-Archive Milestone

Congratulations to the folks over at the Jeopardy Archive on reaching the 90,000 clue mark. And that on the night a fellow Charter Archivist, Brendan Pimper, goes down on a strategically-unsound wager.

Fortunately for the show, Brendan's wager overshadowed an spectacularly bad FJ clue:

LITERARY FIGURES: Bono, Jim Sheridan & Liam Neeson were featured in a 2004 documentary honoring the 150th anniversary of the birth of this man.

Now, unless you happen to know that Oscar Wilde was born in 1854 AND that G. B. Shaw (1856), William Butler Yeats (1865), and James Joyce (1882) weren't, what is there in this clue that separates Wilde as the clear choice? The movie?

So much for the writing Emmy this year.

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